Have you been looking for educational podcasts for your commute or breaktime? I have compiled a list of excellent podcasts with both short and long episode lengths along with a summary. Everyone has a different learning style (and attention span!) so it is essential you enjoy the pace and contents of the podcast to get the most out of it.
Prescribing/ evidence-based practice
Australian Prescriber Podcast
Short and to the point episodes (15-30 mins) delivered by specialists and experts.
Goes through management of specific conditions and discusses new updates for guidelines.
Episodes often discuss specific medications/ classes of medications.
NPS MedicineWise Podcast
Short (5-30 mins) episodes delivered by specialists and experts.
Goes through different aspects of medications (from uses to side effects and counselling).
Links in very nicely with the information on their website: www.nps.org.au.
Cochrane Library Podcast
5-minute summaries on the latest Cochrane systematic reviews.
Highest level of evidence is very clearly summarised with take home points at the end.
Full/ brief summaries are available from: www.cochranelibrary.com.
Journal podcasts
These are generally are longer episodes (20-40 mins) with discussions with specialists who have written papers for the journal.
The Medical Journal of Australia
The BMJ podcast (British Medical Journal)
New England Journal of Medicine Interviews
The Lancet Voice
General Medical
Spot diagnosis
Detailed reviews of a dermatology complaint allowing in depth review.
Has a website with further information: www.spotdiagnosis.org.au.
Emergency Medicine Cases
The perfect podcast for anyone working in the emergency department!
They write episode summaries and have blogs (including ECG interpretation) on their website: www.emergencymedicinecases.com
On the Wards
Essential skills for different medical placements that is particularly helpful for newly qualified doctors.
Psych Matters
Long and detailed episodes (45- 100 minutes)
RCP Medicine Podcast (Royal College of Physicians)
20-40 minute long episodes on various medications/ clinical conditions managed by physicians
Pomegranate Health
40-60 minute episodes
A very interesting podcast for those interested in communication, healthcare delivery and making decisions.
Anaesthetics/ ICU
Royal College of Anaesthetics
20-60 minute long episodes
Some episodes focus on the anaesthetic curriculum which can be helpful for trainees (even if based on the UK training program)
ICU primary PrepCast
15-40 minute episodes
Takes specific exam topics and goes through them in detail
Orthopedics/ Surgery
Physiotutors podcast
45-60 minute episodes
They have a Youtube channel that goes through common orthopedic examinations.
Orthopedic Trauma Association
15-30 minute long episodes on anything trauma
Behind the knife
20-60 minute episodes including literature reviews
Surgery 101
Short (5-10 minute) episodes on specific topics
Two Paeds in a Pod
20-40 minute long episodes on various pediatric topics.
Recorded in the UK but there are a lot of interesting topics that can be applied to practice in Australia.
You’re Kidding Right?
5-25 minute episodes on specific topics and procedures
15-40 minute episodes
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Sydney Sexual health Centre
25-40 minute episodes
Includes guideline updates and interviews with specialists
PVOGSCast (pre-vocational Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of Australia and New Zealand)
15-40 minute long episodes
Focused on practice in Australia and New Zealand
The Ob/Gyn Podcast
American podcast with both short and long episodes
General Practice
Usually 20-50 minutes long and discuss all topics relevant to general practice.
Generally Speaking
The Good GP
The GP Show
RCGP e-Learning Podcast
BJGP interviews (British Journal of General Practice)
Your AKT podcast (each 4-5 minutes long episode tackles a specific topic seen in the AKT exams for general practice exams).
GP Core content (episodes are usually under 10 minutes and goes though a specific topic seen on the GP curriculum).
Creative Careers in Medicine Podcast
Inspiring stories of very talented medics to inspire you to take your hobby or interest to the next level!
If there is a podcast that you enjoy and feel should feature on this list please contact me on the Doctorology Podcast Facebook page or by email: doctorology.podcast@gmail.com.