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Doctorology's Top Medical Podcast

Have you been looking for educational podcasts for your commute or breaktime? I have compiled a list of excellent podcasts with both short and long episode lengths along with a summary. Everyone has a different learning style (and attention span!) so it is essential you enjoy the pace and contents of the podcast to get the most out of it.

Prescribing/ evidence-based practice

Australian Prescriber Podcast

  • Short and to the point episodes (15-30 mins) delivered by specialists and experts.

  • Goes through management of specific conditions and discusses new updates for guidelines.

  • Episodes often discuss specific medications/ classes of medications.

NPS MedicineWise Podcast

  • Short (5-30 mins) episodes delivered by specialists and experts.

  • Goes through different aspects of medications (from uses to side effects and counselling).

  • Links in very nicely with the information on their website:

Cochrane Library Podcast

  • 5-minute summaries on the latest Cochrane systematic reviews.

  • Highest level of evidence is very clearly summarised with take home points at the end.

  • Full/ brief summaries are available from:

Journal podcasts

These are generally are longer episodes (20-40 mins) with discussions with specialists who have written papers for the journal.

  • The Medical Journal of Australia

  • The BMJ podcast (British Medical Journal)

  • New England Journal of Medicine Interviews

  • The Lancet Voice

General Medical

Spot diagnosis

  • Detailed reviews of a dermatology complaint allowing in depth review.

  • Has a website with further information:

Emergency Medicine Cases

  • The perfect podcast for anyone working in the emergency department!

  • They write episode summaries and have blogs (including ECG interpretation) on their website:

On the Wards

  • Essential skills for different medical placements that is particularly helpful for newly qualified doctors.

Psych Matters

  • Long and detailed episodes (45- 100 minutes)

RCP Medicine Podcast (Royal College of Physicians)

  • 20-40 minute long episodes on various medications/ clinical conditions managed by physicians

Pomegranate Health

  • 40-60 minute episodes

  • A very interesting podcast for those interested in communication, healthcare delivery and making decisions.

Anaesthetics/ ICU

Royal College of Anaesthetics

  • 20-60 minute long episodes

  • Some episodes focus on the anaesthetic curriculum which can be helpful for trainees (even if based on the UK training program)

ICU primary PrepCast

  • 15-40 minute episodes

  • Takes specific exam topics and goes through them in detail

Orthopedics/ Surgery

Physiotutors podcast

  • 45-60 minute episodes

  • They have a Youtube channel that goes through common orthopedic examinations.

Orthopedic Trauma Association

  • 15-30 minute long episodes on anything trauma

Behind the knife

  • 20-60 minute episodes including literature reviews

Surgery 101

  • Short (5-10 minute) episodes on specific topics


Two Paeds in a Pod

  • 20-40 minute long episodes on various pediatric topics.

  • Recorded in the UK but there are a lot of interesting topics that can be applied to practice in Australia.

You’re Kidding Right?

  • 5-25 minute episodes on specific topics and procedures


  • 15-40 minute episodes

Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Sydney Sexual health Centre

  • 25-40 minute episodes

  • Includes guideline updates and interviews with specialists

PVOGSCast (pre-vocational Obstetrics and Gynaecology Society of Australia and New Zealand)

  • 15-40 minute long episodes

  • Focused on practice in Australia and New Zealand

The Ob/Gyn Podcast

  • American podcast with both short and long episodes

General Practice

Usually 20-50 minutes long and discuss all topics relevant to general practice.

  • Generally Speaking

  • The Good GP

  • The GP Show

  • RCGP e-Learning Podcast

  • BJGP interviews (British Journal of General Practice)

  • Your AKT podcast (each 4-5 minutes long episode tackles a specific topic seen in the AKT exams for general practice exams).

  • GP Core content (episodes are usually under 10 minutes and goes though a specific topic seen on the GP curriculum).


Creative Careers in Medicine Podcast

  • Inspiring stories of very talented medics to inspire you to take your hobby or interest to the next level!

If there is a podcast that you enjoy and feel should feature on this list please contact me on the Doctorology Podcast Facebook page or by email:


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