Are you a new GP who finds Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item numbers confusing? There is an easy way to learn about this and stay on top of your billings using the free e-learning provided by the Services Australia website. When I started to work as a GP registrar in a rural town I wanted to ensure that I bill my services correctly and this was an entirely new experience having trained in the UK.
I found a helpful resource online that went through the rules and what services can be billed by GPs (including non-vocationally registered doctors) to help navigate this. On the Services Australia website, there is a specific section on MBS education for healthcare professionals that can be accessed and worked through. In addition it also highlights how many services patients can access depending on their care plan and different initiatives available such as the Better Start for Children with Disability Initiative.
There are also education guides and case studies to help you understand MBS which can complement your learning. I would really recommend any new doctors working in general practice to look through this resource when they start as a source of learning and the different services GPs can offer their patients.
The link to access the MBS education for healthcare professionals: