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Sexual health guidelines and resources

The new Australian STI (sexually transmitted infections) guidelines for primary care update has been released with information on symptoms and treatment. The format allows for quick reference of specific STIs without needing to sift through chunks of text, as well as specific populations (e.g. pregnant people) and syndromes (e.g. cervicitis). A helpful section is the asymptomatic testing guideline as this is a common presentation in general practice.

For those new to sexual health consultations (in both hospital medicine or primary care), the guidelines also go through how to take a sexual history and what contact tracing involves. This is particularly helpful to emergency medicine doctors who often see presentations of abdominal pain with per vaginal discharge where STI is a differential diagnosis. When testing for STIs with swabs with the patient's consent, the responsibility may fall on you to contact trace if the test comes back positive (depending on your region/ hospital) so it is essential to check your local policy on this.

The ASHM (Australasian Society for HIV Medicine) have excellent resources relating to STIs including multiple guidelines relating to HIV, and it is worth reading through this to know what guidelines are there to help you during your patient consultations.

Online on sexual health:

  1. Australian STI guidelines for primary care :

  2. ASHM :

  3. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet:

  4. ThinkGP- online learning modules on sexual health:

Sexual health podcasts:

  1. Sydney Sexual Health Centre podcast

  2. Sexual Health Matters (from SHINE SA)

Note, it is important to follow your local hospital/ organisation's policy on STI testing, treatment and contact tracing and the above guidelines are highighted for your further learning.



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