Are you a going to start work in a GP practice but don’t know what to include in your home visit bag? No worries, the Doctorology team will help you with this! Most GPs visit patients in their homes or in a care home facility as part of their regular day so it is important to have the right equipment to help you make a diagnosis and manage them.
I have listed the most important equipment and other considerations depending on where you practice but not any particular brands as everyone has a different price range they are willing to spend on equipment.
General considerations:
A bag that is easy to carry.
Ideally have a lock if you are carrying medications and expensive equipment.
Ensure that you screen the patient and the other occupants of the house for COVID-19 questions (e.g. coughs, colds, fever, runny nose etc) and if any are positive to use PPE before entering. Ideally it is best to see patients when they have a negative COVID test.
Ensure that you ask if the patients have any pets at home and they are kept in a separate room.
The above can be done by phone prior to the visit from the GP practice (this will avoid you using your personal mobile phone to call patients!).
Essential items:
Spare surgical and N95 masks
Spare gowns, shoe covers, hats, visor (ideally disposable)
Clinical waste bag for above
Hospital grade cleaning wipes if non-disposable visor
Alcohol gel
Pulse oximeter
Auroscope and ophthalmoscope
Tongue depressor
Light source (small torch or phone)
Specimen jars
Urine dipstick and urine HCG test
Pathology/ radiology forms
Medical certificate
Letterheads (incase a referral to emergency is needed)
Prescription pad (if available)
Spare pens
Patellar hammer
Tuning fork
If performing basic procedures:
Alcohol prep pad
Cotton wool
Blood bottles
Needles for venepuncture
Swabs (skin, throat etc)
Small sharps bin
Emergency medication (note: you can apply for this through the Services Australia website:
Country/ remote GPs:
Pocket mask
Guidel/ nasopharyngeal airway
Critical medications- aspirin, GTN, adrenaline etc (must be signed out and checked regularly to ensure they are in date)
Murtagh J et al, 2018, General Practice, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, Australia